High Blood Pressure

Rick Johnson, M.D. on the impact of high blood pressure on chronic disease

This video clip is taken from  Podcast #194 – How Fructose Drives Metabolic Disease with Rick Johnson, M.D. Rick Johnson…

High Blood Pressure

Rick Johnson, M.D. on the relationship between salt & blood pressure

This video clip is taken from  Podcast #194 – How Fructose Drives Metabolic Disease with Rick Johnson, M.D. Rick Johnson…


A broader perspective on lung cancer

Not just a “smoker’s disease”

Understanding science

Nutritional epidemiology: abolition vs defending the status quo

A recent review argues for reform in the field of nutritional epidemiology — and recommends ways to improve it

Insulin Resistance

Peter Attia on mitigating and reversing insulin resistance with nutrition

This clip is from “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) episode #17, originally released on November 9, 2020. If you’re a member, you…

Insulin Resistance

Peter Attia on the connection between stress and insulin resistance

This clip is from “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) episode #17, originally released on November 9, 2020. If you’re a member, you…

Insulin Resistance

Peter Attia on the role of exercise in mitigating and reversing insulin resistance

This clip is from “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) episode #20, originally released on February 15, 2021. If you’re a member, you…

Insulin Resistance

Peter Attia on How Insulin Resistance Manifests in the Muscle

“If you’re in the business of wanting to live the healthiest life you can live, which means longer and better, you’ve got to be insulin sensitive, full stop.” — Peter Attia

Behavior Change, Habits, & Productivity

Hyperbolic discounting: friend and foe of goal achievement

Why is it so difficult to make choices that we know will be best for us in the long run?

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