Is zone 5 training okay to do immediately following zone 2 training?


Heart Disease: Labs & Diagnostic Tests

The five main tools for managing blood glucose numbers

Alzheimer’s disease — what labs can tell you about your risk

Why does Alzheimer's disease affect more women than men?

The connection between sleep and Alzheimer’s disease

Ep. #47 with Matthew Walker, Ph.D.

The connection between sleep and heart disease

with Matthew Walker, Ph.D.


Bone health—everything you need to know

Ep. #214 (AMA #37)

Fighting cancer and improving immune function with sleep

Ep. #48 with Matthew Walker, Ph.D.

Why sleep is the best insurance policy for lifespan and healthspan

Ep. #58 with Matthew Walker, Ph.D.

Guest Episode

Does exercise reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease?

with Richard Isaacson, M.D.

Guest Episode

Lp(a) and CVD risk & clinical tests to measure Lp(a)

with Benoît Arsenault, Ph.D.

Guest Episode

Sugar & Cancer: Does Fructose Cause Cancer?

with Sam Apple

Guest Episode

Is natural sugar from fruit just as ‘bad’ as added sugar?

with Rick Johnson, M.D.

Metabolic dysfunction case study and a framework for metabolic health

How metabolic health impacts your 'optimal' diet

Guest Episode

A pilot immunotherapy trial is one step on a long road toward curing cancer

with Steven Rosenberg, M.D., Ph.D.

Exercises After Shoulder Surgery (Post-Op Week 9)

Hydration for Athletes: Should you drink sports drinks with glucose?

Guest Episode

Why you should stop drinking sugar

with Rick Johnson, M.D.

Guest Episode

Peter’s approach to managing patients with high Lp(a)

with Benoît Arsenault, Ph.D.

The difference between a 'clean' drug and a 'dirty' drug

Guest Episode

The metabolic benefits of exercise & muscle mass

with Layne Norton, Ph.D.

Guest Episode

Is it bad to eat food too close to bedtime?

with Matthew Walker Ph.D.