
Mental models

Learn more about general thinking strategies and tactics, including decision-making, problem-solving, and productivity.

#74 – Jason Fried: Optimizing efficiency and work-life balance

“People brag about how little sleep they get, and how much they work. I don’t understand that…if you really ask them about why they’re working so long, it’s not that there’s more work to do, it’s that there’s less time to do good work, because people’s days are broken into smaller and smaller and smaller chunks of time…And before you know it’s the end of the day and you’ve got nothing done even though you’ve been busy all day.” —Jason Fried

Conspiracy theory theories: July 20, 1969

I almost can’t believe yesterday marked the 50th anniversary of Armstrong and Aldrin touching down on the moon’s surface. What’s more unbelievable to me is that there are a number of people who entirely refuse that it ever happened.

#60 – Annie Duke, decision strategist: Poker as a model system for life—how to improve decision making, use frameworks for learning, and apply ‘backcasting’ to boost your odds for future success

“We don’t want [people] to be afraid of the bad outcomes. . .because we would like people to be innovative and push against the status quo because that’s how we move forward as a society, as a business, as an individual.” — Annie Duke

#56 – Jocko Willink, retired Navy SEAL, Part II of II: Sleep, fasting, raising kids, discipline, taking ownership, and the impact of war

“Leading a family is the same way you lead an organization or lead a team. If you bark orders at your team, your team won’t like you, they won’t respect you, and they’re not going to carry out those orders with any sort of commitment.” — Jocko Willink

Driving while distracted

Whether you drive an automatic or manual, here’s a game of driving that I like to play in order to stay hypervigilant, and I encourage you to play it: Imagine that someone on the road is trying to kill you today.

Thinking in bets

The point is: how was the decision made with the information at hand?

Predicting the future

As Carl Jacobi, a German mathematician was fond of saying, “Invert, always invert.”

How to make better decisions

Ironically, this might be my confirmation bias talking, but in my interview with Sid Mukherjee, he referred to Bayesian logic as perhaps one of the great neglected ideas in medicine, and in the world in general.

Dunning, Kruger, and the opioid epidemic

I can’t believe I just found about the Dunning-Kruger effect. In a nutshell, it’s the cognitive bias of illusory superiority that comes from our inability to recognize our lack of ability. It might actually explain much of the Twittersphere.

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