

Learn more about fasting, including types of fasting, fasting metabolism, health effects, and mechanisms of fasting.

#252 ‒ Latest insights on Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, exercise, nutrition, and fasting | Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D.

My perspective has shifted as any scientist that’s following data should… When new data comes out, you have to reassess things.” —Rhonda Patrick

#242 – AMA #44: Peter’s historical changes in body composition with his evolving dietary, fasting, and training protocols

“Trends matter. You’re treating what you see, but you’re mindful of the trends.” —Peter Attia

How fasting can impact sleep

This audio clip is from our sleep series with Matthew Walker, Ph.D. — episode #127 – fasting, gut health, blue light,…

Fasting & protein: the impact of fasting on muscle mass

This video clip is from Ask Me Anything (AMA) #32 — Exercise, squats, deadlifts, BFR, and TRT, originally released on…

Dispelling myths that excess protein intake increases cancer risk

This video clip is from episode #205 – Energy balance, nutrition, & building muscle with Layne Norton, Ph.D. (Pt.2), originally…

#205 – Energy balance, nutrition, & building muscle | Layne Norton, Ph.D. (Pt.2)

Lean body mass is inversely proportional to your risk of mortality after age 50.” —Layne Norton

A few things worth sharing: 08-30-2020

Shitty first drafts and accelerating fasts.

#114 – Eileen White, Ph.D.: Autophagy, fasting, and promising new cancer therapies

“I would like to translate what we’ve learned about the role of autophagy in cancer and that involves developing small molecules to inhibit autophagy for cancer therapy.” — Eileen White

#108 – AMA #13: 3-day fasting, exogenous ketones, autophagy, and exercise for longevity

“I think once people enter that seventh and eighth decade, if they haven’t done a lot of consistent preparatory work in the decades prior, it’s alarming how quickly things go south.” —Peter Attia

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