
Weekly Emails

Nutritional epidemiology: abolition vs defending the status quo

A recent review argues for reform in the field of nutritional epidemiology — and recommends ways to improve it

A suicide safety net at the Golden Gate Bridge

A juxtaposition of beauty and tragedy

Hyperbolic discounting: friend and foe of goal achievement

Why is it so difficult to make choices that we know will be best for us in the long run?

Low LDL cholesterol and neural development

Why LDL-lowering treatments don’t pit head against heart

Not another COVID newsletter

In last week’s newsletter on vaccine mandates, I implored you all to think. Many of you rose to the occasion with insightful feedback.

Why I’m for COVID vaccines, but against vaccine mandates.

In the heated debate over vaccine mandates, science and logic have often been lost amid politics and fear.

Are we oversimplifying Alzheimer’s disease?

A proposal for 4 subtypes of Alzheimer’s disease.

How do you move forward after making a fatal mistake?

Accepting the limits of  personal control

Is lab-grown meat the ‘meat of the future’?

Lab-grown meat faces scrutiny

What a dead salmon can teach us about how we use machines

With new tools come new dangers for misuse and misinterpretation of results. As technology opens new doors, we must constantly evaluate its limitations, even as we look to expand its applications.

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