
Weekly Emails

LDL-C & systolic blood pressure and lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease

Mendelian randomization and lifetime cardiovascular disease risk.

Is ditching meat a “game-changer” for your health?

A new documentary makes the case it is.

Metformin and exercise – déjà vu all over again?

Metformin blunts muscle hypertrophy in response to progressive resistance training

Am I fooling myself?

This story serves to remind me that we are not wired to think scientifically. Full stop. It is the quintessential human flaw. But scientific thinking is a skill to be practiced and improved upon.

Did a recent study show we can reverse aging?

I dig a little deeper into the recent study that suggests (to some) the answer is yes.

Hormone therapy and breast cancer?

There are not many topics in clinical medicine more polarizing than hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for women suffering from menopausal…

Can you reverse your biological age?

I realize it may seem like Groundhog Day for you to see more prose from me about how to think about studies rather than the tactical bits we think we can immediately extract and employ from them. Just remember, it’s better to learn how to fish than to be given … you get it.

Alternate Day Fasting

I’m left bewildered: there are more questions than answers in most scientific pursuits, but I want to stress the point here that these aren’t rhetorical questions.

Can you maintain muscle during fasting?

But in the short-term (at least up to a week for most people), I believe you can maintain muscle mass while fasting, particularly if you’re resistance training.

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