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Medications, Supplements & Other Treatments

A recent metformin study casts doubts on longevity indications

A new retrospective study contradicts previous evidence of metformin’s potential effects on lifespan extension in a general population, but for real answers, randomized trials are needed.

Medications, Supplements & Other Treatments

#103 – Looking back on the first 99 episodes: Strong Convictions, Loosely Held

“I reserve metformin prescriptions for patients who obviously are in need of it from the standpoint of glucose and insulin regulation, but I don’t view it really as a pro longevity agent yet.” — Peter Attia

Science of Aging

#171 – Steve Austad, Ph.D.: The landscape of longevity science: making sense of caloric restriction, biomarkers of aging, and possible geroprotective molecules

“I never thought [extending the human lifespan] was going to happen because we got better at treating cancer or we got better at preventing heart disease. I always thought it was going to happen because we would develop something … that would fundamentally change the rate of aging. And we haven’t developed that yet. We’ve got a lot of clues and I think we’re getting closer and closer and closer.” —Steve Austad

Medications, Supplements & Other Treatments

#161 – AMA #23: All Things Nicotine: deep dive into its cognitive and physical benefits, risks, and mechanisms of action

“It’s so fascinating to me frankly that one molecule found in nature can be so potent. It’s hard to imagine you could engineer a drug to do this.” —Peter Attia

Nutritional Biochemistry

#149 – AMA #20: Simplifying the complexities of insulin resistance: how it’s measured, how it manifests in the muscle and liver, and what we can do about it

“If you’re in the business of wanting to live the healthiest life you can live, which means longer and better, you’ve got to be insulin sensitive, full stop.” — Peter Attia


#127 – AMA #3 with sleep expert, Matthew Walker, Ph.D.: Fasting, gut health, blue light, caffeine, REM sleep, and more

“Could we think that sleep could now provide a contribution to this Horvath clock of determining your biological age? . . .I think it probably does.” —Matthew Walker, Ph.D.

Science of Aging

#118 – Lloyd Klickstein, M.D., Ph.D.: Rapamycin, mTOR inhibition, and the biology of aging

“Our approach is to address serious aging-associated diseases, and if we’re successful, the side effect will be longevity.” — Lloyd Klickstein

Preventing Chronic Disease

#111 – AMA #14: What lab tests can (and cannot) inform us about our overall objective of longevity

“Metabolic health really matters. It is the common thread that links all of these chronic diseases.” — Peter Attia

Understanding science

#270 ‒ Journal club with Andrew Huberman: metformin as a geroprotective drug, the power of belief, and how to read scientific papers

This paper basically addresses how our beliefs about the drugs we take impacts how they affect us at a real level, not just at a subjective level, but at a biological level.” —Andrew Huberman

Science of Aging

#70 – David Sinclair, Ph.D.: How cellular reprogramming could slow our aging clock (and the latest research on NAD)

In this episode, David Sinclair, Ph.D., a Professor in the Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and co-Director of…

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