

#126 – Matthew Walker, Ph.D.: Sleep and immune function, chronotypes, hygiene tips, and addressing questions about his book

“It’s not time that heals all wounds. It’s actually time during REM sleep and dreaming that provides this emotional convalescence.” — Matthew Walker, Ph.D.

#124 – AMA #15: Real-world case studies—metabolic dysregulation, low testosterone, menopause, and more

As a follow up to AMA #14 where Peter explained his framework for analyzing labs, this “Ask Me Anything” (AMA)…

#87 – Rick Johnson, M.D.: Metabolic Effects of Fructose

“Fructose turns out to be used by animals as a mechanism to store fat.” — Rick Johnson

#77 – AMA #2 with sleep expert, Matthew Walker, Ph.D.: short sleep mutants, optimal sleep environment, sleep apnea, & rapid fire questions

Check out more content with sleep expert, Matthew Walker, Ph.D.: (April 1, 2019) Part I of III: Dangers of poor…

Qualy #1 – What are Peter’s thoughts on alcohol consumption and health?

Today’s episode of The Qualys is from podcast #04 – AMA #1: alcohol, best lab tests, wearables, finding the right…

#58 – AMA with sleep expert, Matthew Walker, Ph.D.: Strategies for sleeping more, sleeping better, and avoiding things that are disrupting sleep

“[Sleep] is like that master volume button on a mixing deck that you see in the studio. You can manipulate each one of those dials, or you can go to the far left and just move that one dial…and all of the other levers seem to move with it.” — Matthew Walker

#49 – Matthew Walker, Ph.D., on sleep – Part III of III: The penetrating effects of poor sleep from metabolism to performance to genetics, and the impact of caffeine, alcohol, THC, and CBD on sleep

“Lack of sleep is like a broken water pipe in your home. It will leak down into every nook and cranny of your physiology.” —Matthew Walker

This Bud’s for you? Don’t mix alcohol with epidemiology

“It all comes down to the way we used to study drinking,” the article starts.

#14 – Robert Lustig, M.D., M.S.L.: fructose, processed food, NAFLD, and changing the food system

“Neurons like to be tickled, not bludgeoned.” —Rob Lustig

#04 – AMA #1: alcohol, best lab tests, wearables, finding the right doc, racing, and more

“I feel the need…the need for speed.” —Maverick and Goose

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