

Glute Activation Series

My pre-workout glute activation routine.

Narrative glossary: lipids

A companion post for the podcast episodes with Thomas Dayspring, M.D., FACP, FNLA (October 15-19, 2018).

My experience with exogenous ketones

Theory to anecdote: I decided to find out for myself if ketones could, indeed, offer up the same amount of usable energy with less oxygen consumption.

Ketosis: Advantaged or Misunderstood State? (Part I)

In part I of this post I will see to it (assuming you read it) that you’ll know more about ketosis than just about anyone, including your doctor or the majority of “experts” out there writing about this topic.

Calorie Restriction, Part II: Monkey Studies

Madison, Wisconsin and Baltimore, Maryland: a tale of two studies

Egg boxing

The sweet science.

Studying Studies: Part V – power and significance

Studies can be statistically powerful and significant, but practically weak and meaningless (and vice versa).

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