
Diseases – cerebrovascular disease

#277 ‒ Food allergies: causes, prevention, and treatment with immunotherapy | Kari Nadeau, M.D., Ph.D.

What I love about the immune system is it can be trained, and you just need to know how to train it.” —Kari Nadeau

#257 ‒ Cognitive decline, neurodegeneration, and head injuries: mitigation and prevention strategies, supplements, and more | Tommy Wood, M.D., Ph.D.

If you’re trying to maintain a basic set of cognitive functions, [it is important] to actively work on ways to increase headroom, increase absolute capacity throughout the lifespan. Because at some point capacity will decrease, but you want to push that out as far as you can.” —Tommy Wood

#253 ‒ Hormone replacement therapy and the Women’s Health Initiative: re-examining the results, the link to breast cancer, and weighing the risk vs reward of HRT | JoAnn Manson, M.D.

It’s so important for women to understand that the absolute risks of these hormones are much lower in early menopause than in later menopause.” —JoAnn Manson

Peter’s approach to managing patients with high Lp(a)

This video is a clip from episode #210 – Lp(a) and its impact on heart disease with Benoît Arsenault, Ph.D.,…

#210 – Lp(a) and its impact on heart disease | Benoît Arsenault, Ph.D.

I think we should advise people to measure Lp(a); that would be a gigantic step.” —Benoît Arsenault

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