
Exercise – eccentric strength

#262 – AMA #49: Heart rate recovery, strength training, rucking, kidney function, and brain health

[Heart rate recovery] is one of the metrics that we should care about just as we care about VO2 max and just as we care about resting heart rate.” —Peter Attia

#261 ‒ Training for The Centenarian Decathlon: zone 2, VO2 max, stability, and strength | Peter Attia, M.D.

I would never want anybody to come away from this thinking, ‘I’m too old to do anything about it.’ I think as long as you’re breathing, you have a chance to do something about it.” —Peter Attia

#254 – AMA #47: Cold therapy: pros, cons, and its impact on longevity

If we’re talking about [activating brown adipose tissue] as a solution for overweight or obesity in adults, it’s not a needle mover.” —Peter Attia

Avoiding Injury Part I: Eccentric Strength

Accidental injury is among the leading causes of death in the developed world, and even when an injury itself is not directly responsible for ending one’s life, the associated debilitation can hasten the onset and progression of other health concerns.

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