

#50 – AMA #5: calcium scores, Centenarian Decathlon™, exercise, muscle glycogen, keto, and more

“We’re really talking a completely new model, which is actually forcing your way to become a centenarian rather than just sort of gliding your way into it and therefore, I think it’s going to require much more deliberate attention around what your mind and body are doing at that point and time.” — Peter Attia

#49 – Matthew Walker, Ph.D., on sleep – Part III of III: The penetrating effects of poor sleep from metabolism to performance to genetics, and the impact of caffeine, alcohol, THC, and CBD on sleep

“Lack of sleep is like a broken water pipe in your home. It will leak down into every nook and cranny of your physiology.” —Matthew Walker

The mouse trap: lost in translation?

“The great majority of how we understand disease, and attempt to cure it,” writes Engber, “derives from a couple of rodents.” About 4/5ths of all animal studies reported in biomedical research papers from 1950-2010 were done in rodents (59% in mice, 18% in rats).

#41 – Jake Kushner, M.D.: How to thrive with type 1 diabetes and how everyone can benefit from the valuable insights

“You have this unique population of [type 1 diabetics] where you can see the insulin that goes into them, and you can see it’s direct impact on weight gain. . . and they’re at risk for cardiovascular illness. And to me that just says that there’s something about the Standard American Diet that’s making us sick. And ultimately we will all be at risk for cardiovascular disease.” —Jake Kushner

Ketones, fasting, and muscle loss

I read an interesting article authored by my friend Dom D’Agostino and his colleagues on the anti-catabolic effects of ketone bodies in skeletal muscle.

#36 – Eric Chehab, M.D.: Extending healthspan and preserving quality of life

“Aging is such a big part of what we treat in orthopedics. . .our role is to help patients adapt and cope with their new reality. . .[without] imposing any artificial limits on them.” —Eric Chehab

#29 – Apolo Anton Ohno: 8-time Olympic medalist – extreme training, discipline, pursuing perfection, and responding to adversity

“I loved to do stuff that people thought was completely obscene and crazy . . . my races were won before I got to the start line . . . they just knew that I was completely off my rocker. I was not in the same headspace as them.” —Apolo Ohno

Glute Activation Series

My pre-workout glute activation routine.

#28 – Mark and Chris Bell: steroids, powerlifting, addiction, diet, training, helping others, documentaries, and living your best life

“If you’re not challenging yourself, you’re missing out on the big piece of the puzzle, because you’re never going to get the results you’re looking for.” —Mark Bell

#17 – Mike Trevino: life-lessons from ultra-endurance, mindset, hard work, and removing limitations

“Change your mindset . . . on what you think you can do . . . you have the innate ability to do amazing things, just most people haven’t figured out how to tap into that.” —Mike Trevino

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