
Lipoproteins – PCSK9

First Case of Human PCSK9 Gene-Editing

Ultimately, the long-term benefits of lowering apoB through a one-time treatment may make this not only a viable future option, but potentially an intervention that could change preventive cardiovascular medicine.

Why does Alzheimer’s disease affect more women than men?

This clip is from episode #138 – Lauren Miller Rogen and Richard Isaacson, M.D.: Alzheimer’s disease prevention—patient and doctor perspectives,…

Lp(a) and CVD risk & clinical tests to measure Lp(a)

This video clip is from episode #210 – Lp(a) and its impact on heart disease with Benoît Arsenault, Ph.D., originally…

Peter’s approach to managing patients with high Lp(a)

This video is a clip from episode #210 – Lp(a) and its impact on heart disease with Benoît Arsenault, Ph.D.,…

#210 – Lp(a) and its impact on heart disease | Benoît Arsenault, Ph.D.

I think we should advise people to measure Lp(a); that would be a gigantic step.” —Benoît Arsenault

#138 – Lauren Miller Rogen and Richard Isaacson, M.D.: Alzheimer’s disease prevention—patient and doctor perspectives

“Believe it or not, there are 46 million Americans with Alzheimer’s disease in their brain right now, but no symptoms.” — Richard Isaacson

#129 – Tom Dayspring, M.D.: The latest insights into cardiovascular disease and lipidology

Atherogenic lipoproteins are really the issue behind clinical atherosclerotic vascular disease. … The data has just become so overwhelming.” —Tom Dayspring

#23 – Tom Dayspring, M.D., FACP, FNLA – Part IV of V: statins, ezetimibe, PCSK9 inhibitors, niacin, cholesterol and the brain

“This is what it ultimately comes down to – and it’s the way you practice – you’ve got to individualize everything.” –Tom Dayspring

Narrative glossary: lipids

A companion post for the podcast episodes with Thomas Dayspring, M.D., FACP, FNLA (October 15-19, 2018).

#03 – Ron Krauss, M.D.: a deep dive into heart disease

“Anybody interested in this field should probably understand the origins.” —Ron Krauss

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