
Mental health – depression

Psilocybin for depression?

The psychedelic drug goes head-to-head with Lexapro in a recent trial

#154 – Steve Levitt, Ph.D.: A rogue economist’s view on climate change, mental health, the ethics of experiments, and more

“What economists do now is they’re asked not just to estimate parameters really well, but to embed those parameters into models, which then have enough degrees of freedom that you can start to imagine: if I turn this dial to that dial, what would happen?” —Steve Levitt

#135 – BJ Miller, M.D.: How understanding death leads to a better life

People die much more miserable than they need to because they haven’t dared to look at this thing called death before it’s too late.” —BJ Miller

Randomized controlled trials: when the gold standard leaves you with fool’s gold

If I told you that I read a randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial conducted over 5 years and carried out in over 18,000 participants, is there any scenario under which you would not believe it to be an excellent trial?

Robin Williams

This Tuesday marks the tragic anniversary of the death of Robin Williams.

#119 – Terry Real: Breaking the cycle of shame, anger, and depression

“Family pathology rolls from generation to generation like a fire in the woods taking down everything in its path until one person, in one generation, has the courage to turn and face the flames. That person brings peace to his ancestors and spares the children that follow.” — Terry Real

#118 – Lloyd Klickstein, M.D., Ph.D.: Rapamycin, mTOR inhibition, and the biology of aging

“Our approach is to address serious aging-associated diseases, and if we’re successful, the side effect will be longevity.” — Lloyd Klickstein

#86 – Damon Hill: Overcoming loss, achieving success, and finding one’s identity

We have more potential than we are aware of and sometimes to release that potential we have to play tricks with our mind.”—Damon Hill

Why is life expectancy in the US declining?

Midlife mortality and mental health.

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