
Mental health – friendship

#280 ‒ Cultivating happiness, emotional self-management, and more | Arthur Brooks Ph.D.

Happiness is not a feeling. Feelings are evidence of happiness.” —Arthur Brooks

Finding the right fit in a psychotherapist

When it comes to therapy, the quality of the patient-therapist relationship is critical to success.

How much control can we really have in studies on animals?

A 40-year-old study shows that animals’ emotional states can impact physiology, a reminder that they are more complex and individual than we often give them credit for.

Prioritizing “real friends” over “deal friends”

According to a May 2021 survey, Americans report having fewer close friendships than they did 30 years ago. But according to a recent conversation I had with author and social scientist Arthur Brooks, friendship is one of the key factors in finding and maintaining happiness as we age. 


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