
Mental health

#139 – Kristin Neff, Ph.D.: The Power of Self-Compassion

“It’s not that self-esteem is bad. We want to feel worthy. It’s really why we feel worthy, how we feel worthy, that’s important.” —Kristin Neff

#138 – Lauren Miller Rogen and Richard Isaacson, M.D.: Alzheimer’s disease prevention—patient and doctor perspectives

“Believe it or not, there are 46 million Americans with Alzheimer’s disease in their brain right now, but no symptoms.” — Richard Isaacson

#135 – BJ Miller, M.D.: How understanding death leads to a better life

People die much more miserable than they need to because they haven’t dared to look at this thing called death before it’s too late.” —BJ Miller

A few things worth sharing: 09-13-2020

The Lost Years and Last Days of David Foster Wallace.

#119 – Terry Real: Breaking the cycle of shame, anger, and depression

“Family pathology rolls from generation to generation like a fire in the woods taking down everything in its path until one person, in one generation, has the courage to turn and face the flames. That person brings peace to his ancestors and spares the children that follow.” — Terry Real

SARS-CoV-2 and the host response: psychological stress

I’ve been thinking a lot about the role of psychological stress and how it relates to our response to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

#105 – Paul Conti, M.D.: The psychological toll of a pandemic, and the societal problems it has highlighted

“The virus isn’t plotting against us. It doesn’t have intelligence. It’s invisible. In order to unite, we have to recognize our shared humanity.” — Paul Conti

#101 – Ryan Holiday: Finding stillness amidst chaos

“One of the things that hobbies do . . . and a little bit of order and structure in our lives do, is they kind of just protect us from just reacting and reacting and reacting all the time.” — Ryan Holiday

#100 – Sam Harris, Ph.D.: COVID-19—Comprehending the crisis and managing our emotions

“This has been a period of time unlike any other in our lifetimes. . . there’s really no analogy.” — Sam Harris

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