

#69 – Ronesh Sinha, M.D.: Insights into the manifestation of metabolic disease in a patient population predisposed to metabolic syndrome, and what it teaches us more broadly

“The way we raise our kids early on might actually set a pattern for how much of an accelerated life, or how much of a stressed out nervous system they might have later on. . . a lot of the behavioral patterns that we’re instilling in our kids are kind of setting the foundation for insulin resistance and inflammation early on.” —Ronesh Sinha

#66 – Vamsi Mootha, M.D.: Aging, type 2 diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease – do all roads lead to mitochondria?

“We have 300 different forms of monogenic mitochondrial diseases. . .and these are terrible diseases and we need therapies for them. . .but it’s also our hope that studying some of them will provide insights into the common form of aging as well.” —Vamsi Mootha

Metformin and exercise

If you like concrete answers and absolutes, longevity is not a fun sandbox to play in.

#38 – Francisco Gonzalez-Lima, Ph.D.: Advancing Alzheimer’s disease treatment and prevention – is AD actually a vascular and metabolic disease?

“Everybody goes through this cognitive decline. . .this is a reality. . .but it is possible to intervene before you get into the limbic system problems. . . and that’s going to make the biggest difference.” —Francisco Gonzalez-Lima

#31 – Navdeep Chandel, Ph.D.: metabolism, mitochondria, and metformin in health and disease

“I pay more attention today to stress than anything else.” —Nav Chandel

#30 – Thomas Seyfried, Ph.D.: Controversial discussion—cancer as a mitochondrial metabolic disease?

“The standard of care should never have been written in granite. It should be flexible. If you have something else that comes along that might be better, you’d think there would be enthusiasm.” —Tom Seyfried

Easter Island, inflammation, and ask me anything

The implications of the story are frightening, but kudos to the correspondent and photographer that put this story together.

Ketosis – advantaged or misunderstood state? (Part II)

When I wrote part I of this post, I naively assumed this would only be a two-part series. However, so many great…

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