
Nutritional biochemistry – dietary restriction

#276 ‒ Special episode: Peter answers questions on longevity, supplements, protein, fasting, apoB, statins, and more

One of the most important things to understand when you are using some sort of intervention is, do you have a biomarker to know if you’re doing it correctly?” —Peter Attia

#272 ‒ Rapamycin: potential longevity benefits, surge in popularity, unanswered questions, and more | David Sabatini, M.D., Ph.D. and Matt Kaeberlein, Ph.D.

“[Rapamycin] is the most robust and reproducible drug that we know about today for impacting not only longevity, but to the extent that we can measure various metrics of healthspan in complex animals, rapamycin also seems to positively impact pretty much every aspect of health span that we measure.” —Matt Kaeberlein

#235 ‒ Training principles for mass and strength, changing views on nutrition, creatine supplementation, and more | Layne Norton, Ph.D.

Most 40 year olds, 50 year olds, they have pain anyway. So I’d rather be strong and have pain than be weak and have pain.” —Layne Norton

#171 – Steve Austad, Ph.D.: The landscape of longevity science: making sense of caloric restriction, biomarkers of aging, and possible geroprotective molecules

“I never thought [extending the human lifespan] was going to happen because we got better at treating cancer or we got better at preventing heart disease. I always thought it was going to happen because we would develop something … that would fundamentally change the rate of aging. And we haven’t developed that yet. We’ve got a lot of clues and I think we’re getting closer and closer and closer.” —Steve Austad

#167 – Gary Taubes: Bad science and challenging the conventional wisdom of obesity

Doing a background analysis is the hard, relentless, rigorous grunt work of science. It’s endless and thankless, because if you do it right, all you’ll do is prove that you were wrong all along.” —Gary Taubes

#114 – Eileen White, Ph.D.: Autophagy, fasting, and promising new cancer therapies

“I would like to translate what we’ve learned about the role of autophagy in cancer and that involves developing small molecules to inhibit autophagy for cancer therapy.” — Eileen White

#92 – AMA #12: Strategies for longevity (which don’t require a doctor)

“If you are interested in longevity, if you are interested in playing with your great grandkids, you want to prioritize muscle mass. Never in the history of civilization has a 90 year old said, ‘I wish I had less muscle.’” —Peter Attia

Intermittent fasting

Metabolic switching and different forms of fasting.

My nutritional framework

Nutrition is such a loaded topic—almost a religious or political one—so I’m always looking for ways to explain it that are as free from that baggage as possible.

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