
Studies – mice

#270 ‒ Journal club with Andrew Huberman: metformin as a geroprotective drug, the power of belief, and how to read scientific papers

This paper basically addresses how our beliefs about the drugs we take impacts how they affect us at a real level, not just at a subjective level, but at a biological level.” —Andrew Huberman

#222 ‒ How nutrition impacts longevity | Matt Kaeberlein, Ph.D.

It’s really important that we be willing to change our beliefs about nutrition and other aspects of health as more data comes in.” —Matt Kaeberlein

#171 – Steve Austad, Ph.D.: The landscape of longevity science: making sense of caloric restriction, biomarkers of aging, and possible geroprotective molecules

“I never thought [extending the human lifespan] was going to happen because we got better at treating cancer or we got better at preventing heart disease. I always thought it was going to happen because we would develop something … that would fundamentally change the rate of aging. And we haven’t developed that yet. We’ve got a lot of clues and I think we’re getting closer and closer and closer.” —Steve Austad

#148 – Richard Miller, M.D., Ph.D.: The gold standard for testing longevity drugs: the Interventions Testing Program

“I don’t really care what causes aging. What I care about is: What is the process that can postpone all the different aspects of aging?” — Rich Miller

Lack of context may fuel spread of unintended consequences

A recent study on diet and prostate cancer suggests we need to be more careful communicating and interpreting information.

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