
Thinking – learning

#244 ‒ The history of the cell, cell therapy, gene therapy, and more | Siddhartha Mukherjee

“I liken the human genome to a score of music, but a score is lifeless. There’s no music in a score, it’s just a code. You need a musician to bring it to life, and the cell is that musician.” —Sid Mukherjee

Three years behind the podcast mic

Asking for your feedback

The importance of red teams

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself—and you are the easiest person to fool.” —Richard Feynman

#96 – David Epstein: How a range of experience leads to better performance in a highly specialized world

“Sometimes the things you can do to cause the most rapid appearance of short-term progress can undermine long-term development.” — David Epstein

The pleasure of finding things out

Why do those last few “O”s in a bowl of Cheerios tend to clump together in the middle of the bowl or around the edges?

#80 – Celebrity AMA with Apolo Ohno and Sasha Cohen: Fasting, rapamycin, performance vs. longevity, and more

“I am obsessed with knowing stuff. There’s just no denying it.” — Peter Attia

#73 – AMA #9: NAD & metformin, fat-burning zone, creatine, estrogenization of men, emergency kit for cold & flu, and more

“The sky is blue, and the trees are green; therefore, I should eat cyanide.” — Peter Attia on the type of brilliant logic people use to suggest you burn more calories while sleeping vs. exercising

#66 – Vamsi Mootha, M.D.: Aging, type 2 diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease – do all roads lead to mitochondria?

“We have 300 different forms of monogenic mitochondrial diseases. . .and these are terrible diseases and we need therapies for them. . .but it’s also our hope that studying some of them will provide insights into the common form of aging as well.” —Vamsi Mootha

#60 – Annie Duke, decision strategist: Poker as a model system for life—how to improve decision making, use frameworks for learning, and apply ‘backcasting’ to boost your odds for future success

“We don’t want [people] to be afraid of the bad outcomes. . .because we would like people to be innovative and push against the status quo because that’s how we move forward as a society, as a business, as an individual.” — Annie Duke

#29 – Apolo Anton Ohno: 8-time Olympic medalist – extreme training, discipline, pursuing perfection, and responding to adversity

“I loved to do stuff that people thought was completely obscene and crazy . . . my races were won before I got to the start line . . . they just knew that I was completely off my rocker. I was not in the same headspace as them.” —Apolo Ohno

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