
Weekly emails

Normative errors and Surgisphere

Last month, the New York Times profiled Dr. Sapan Desai, founder of Surgisphere, the company that supplied the data for two recently retracted studies.

A few things worth sharing: 08-16-2020

I’m doing something a little different for this week’s email and highlighting a couple of things I thought were worth sharing.

Robin Williams

This Tuesday marks the tragic anniversary of the death of Robin Williams.

The power of no

“When you’re saying yes, you’re saying no to something else. Everything in life has a price.” — Ric Elias

How to find a good doctor

One of the most common questions I encounter, in one form or another, is “How can I find a good…

Breakfast: a legacy of cereal…and sin?

Where did the idea of eating sugar-coated grains soaked in milk for breakfast come from?

The importance of red teams

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself—and you are the easiest person to fool.” —Richard Feynman

The red meat and plant-based recommendation wars

Does reducing meat consumption improve health?

The pleasure of finding things out

Why do those last few “O”s in a bowl of Cheerios tend to clump together in the middle of the bowl or around the edges?

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