

It’s impossible to talk about cancer without realizing that everybody’s life has been touched by it either directly or indirectly. In the United States, half of women and one-third of men will be afflicted with cancer in their lifetime, and it still ranks as the second leading cause of all death, only a hair behind atherosclerosis.

But unlike heart disease, cancer lethality is even greater in mid-life than among seniors. In fact, for people between the ages of 45 to 65, cancer is the leading cause of death, killing more people than heart disease, liver disease, and stroke combined.

When thinking about how to prevent mortality from cancer, there are three key questions to consider: 

  1. (1) How do you prevent cancer? 
  2. (2) How do you screen for cancer to detect it early? 
  3. (3) How do you treat it when you have it?

Below is a collection of clips, podcasts, and articles discussing the latest science on cancer prevention, treatments, and the importance of cancer screening.

Colorectal cancer screening

When I learned about Chadwick Boseman’s death from colorectal cancer (CRC) at the age of 43 a few weeks ago, it broke my heart.

#121 – Azra Raza, M.D.: Why we’re losing the war on cancer

“We are living in an era of the most sophisticated technological advances possible, and yet the treatment of cancer is paleolithic.” — Azra Raza

#120 – AMA with Dom D’Agostino, Ph.D., Part II of II: Ketosis for cancer and chronic disease, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and the effect of ketosis on female health

“The function of the mitochondria and mitochondrial health are the ultimate mitigator of neurodegenerative diseases…just by reducing the potential for reactive oxygen species related damage.” — Dom D’Agostino

#116 – AMA with Dom D’Agostino, Ph.D., Part I of II: Ketogenic diet, exogenous ketones, and exercise

“If you restore insulin sensitivity, you’re better able to access and burn fat.” — Dom D’Agostino

#115 – David Watkins, Ph.D.: A masterclass in immunology, monoclonal antibodies, and vaccine strategies for COVID-19

“As we stand here with the coronavirus epidemic three months old, I think we should have faith that science will find a solution to this.” — David Watkins

#114 – Eileen White, Ph.D.: Autophagy, fasting, and promising new cancer therapies

“I would like to translate what we’ve learned about the role of autophagy in cancer and that involves developing small molecules to inhibit autophagy for cancer therapy.” — Eileen White

#112 – Ned David, Ph.D.: How cellular senescence influences aging, and what we can do about it

“What you see in these diseases of aging is often the sort of unintended consequences of a system that was absolutely awesome for the young, at the expense of the old.” — Ned David

#111 – AMA #14: What lab tests can (and cannot) inform us about our overall objective of longevity

“Metabolic health really matters. It is the common thread that links all of these chronic diseases.” — Peter Attia

#110 – Lew Cantley, Ph.D.: Cancer metabolism, cancer therapies, and the discovery of PI3K

“If I get a result that suddenly doesn’t make sense, to me that’s more exciting. . .if you figure out why it didn’t work and what was wrong, then that’s where most breakthroughs come from.” — Lew Cantley

#87 – Rick Johnson, M.D.: Metabolic Effects of Fructose

“Fructose turns out to be used by animals as a mechanism to store fat.” — Rick Johnson

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