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Sleepless nights? Try boosting your physical activity level

Podcast Episode

Longevity 101

Ep. #311

Free Article

Does the timing of sleep loss during the night impact subsequent negative metabolic effects?


Exercise: longevity-focused training, goal setting, improving deficiencies, managing emotional stress, and more

Ep. #285 (AMA #55)

Premium Article

Is low-to-moderate alcohol consumption beneficial for longevity?

Guest Episode

Latest insights on Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, exercise, nutrition, and fasting

Ep. #252 with Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D.


Optimizing sleep - bedtime routine, molecule regimen, sleep trackers, sauna, & more

Ep. #233 (AMA #42)

Free Article

A “miracle pill” for hangover prevention?

Guest Episode

Understanding sleep and how to improve it

Ep. #221 with Matthew Walker, Ph.D.

The five main tools for managing blood glucose numbers

The connection between sleep and Alzheimer’s disease

Ep. #47 with Matthew Walker, Ph.D.

The connection between sleep and heart disease

with Matthew Walker, Ph.D.

Fighting cancer and improving immune function with sleep

Ep. #48 with Matthew Walker, Ph.D.

Why sleep is the best insurance policy for lifespan and healthspan

Ep. #58 with Matthew Walker, Ph.D.

Guest Episode

Is it bad to eat food too close to bedtime?

with Matthew Walker Ph.D.

Guest Episode

How fasting can impact sleep

with Matthew Walker, Ph.D.

Guest Episode

Dieting while sleep deprived

with Matthew Walker Ph.D.

Guest Episode

How is appetite affected by our sleep quality?

with Matthew Walker Ph.D.

Podcast Episode

#202 – Peter on nutrition, disease prevention, sleep, and more — looking back on the last 100 episodes

Guest Episode

Alcohol, sleep, and stress: A self-fulfilling prophecy

with Matthew Walker, Ph.D.

The impact of alcohol on sleep

Guest Episode

How alcohol disrupts sleep and contributes to Alzheimer’s disease

with Matthew Walker Ph.D.

Guest Episode

Do THC and CBD help you sleep?

with Matthew Walker Ph.D.

Guest Episode

Stress, Cortisol, and Sleep Deprivation: An Awful Feedback Loop

with Matthew Walker Ph.D.