Podcast Episode

Cardiovascular disease, the number one killer: development, biomarkers, apoB, cholesterol, brain health, and more

Ep. #334 with Tom Dayspring, M.D.

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Precautions against increased fall risk associated with antihypertensive drugs


Special AMA: Peter on exercise, important labs, building good habits, promising longevity research, and more

Ep. #329

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Shingles and Brain Health: An Emerging Link or Healthy User Bias?

Guest Episode

CRISPR and the future of gene editing

Ep. #323 with Feng Zhang

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High-intensity interval training and cognitive function in older adults: promising but limited findings


Protein’s impact on appetite and weight management, and uric acid's link to disease and how to manage levels

Ep. #313 (AMA #62)

Podcast Episode

Longevity 101

Ep. #311

Free Article

Don’t underestimate the importance of oral health

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Does hormone replacement therapy impact dementia risk?


Preventing cognitive decline, nutrition myths, lowering blood glucose, apoB, and blood pressure, and more

Ep. #306 (AMA #60)

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Is Alzheimer’s disease unavoidable for individuals with a high-risk APOE genotype?

Guest Episode

A breakthrough in Alzheimer’s disease: the promising potential of klotho for brain health, cognitive decline, and as a therapeutic tool for Alzheimer's disease

Ep. #303 with Dena B. Dubal M.D., Ph.D.

Podcast Episode

Special episode: Peter on exercise, fasting, nutrition, stem cells, geroprotective drugs, and more — promising interventions or just noise?

Ep. #300

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Aerobic exercise for Parkinson’s disease

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Targeting senescent cells for cognitive health

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Why is it so difficult to determine how nutrition impacts dementia risk?

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The MIND diet on trial: can diet choices impact cognitive health?

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How does APOE status impact the relationship between obesity and dementia risk?

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Is the frequency of menopausal symptoms an early barometer for later-in-life brain health?

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Improving memory with transcranial neuromodulation

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Can treating hearing loss improve cognitive trajectories and reduce dementia risk?

Guest Episode

Concussions and head trauma: symptoms, treatment, and recovery

Ep. #263 with Michael "Micky" Collins, Ph.D.


Heart rate recovery, strength training, rucking, kidney function, and brain health

Ep. #262 (AMA #49)