

Is low-to-moderate alcohol consumption beneficial for longevity?

There is a common belief that low-to-moderate consumption of alcohol has unique health benefits. What does the evidence show?

Don’t drink and science: why a study on the cognitive effects of wine and cheese is sheer stupidity

A study claiming that daily consumption of cheese and wine may improve long-term cognition seems more like a bad joke than reliable science.

hangover cure

A “miracle pill” for hangover prevention?

A quick search for “hangover prevention” will send you down a rabbit hole of advice. While staying hydrated and not drinking too much are obvious solutions, there’s a new hangover pill called Myrkl that’s garnering much attention. In this article, you’ll find out exactly what is in these pills, whether they might actually work (or not), and potential downsides. 

Why do women have lower alcohol tolerance than men?

 More than a matter of body weight

Alcohol, sleep, and stress: A self-fulfilling prophecy

This audio clip is from our sleep series with Matthew Walker, Ph.D., episode #126 — Matthew Walker, Ph.D.: Sleep and…

The impact of alcohol on sleep

This audio clip is from our “Ask Me Anything” episode #31 – Heart rate variability (HRV), alcohol, sleep, and more,…

How alcohol disrupts sleep and contributes to Alzheimer’s disease

This audio clip is from our “Ask Me Anything” with sleep expert, Matthew Walker (Part I of III), originally released…

#193 – AMA #31: Heart rate variability (HRV), alcohol, sleep, and more

In this “Ask Me Anything” (AMA) episode, Peter and Bob first answer a variety of questions related to heart rate…

#126 – Matthew Walker, Ph.D.: Sleep and immune function, chronotypes, hygiene tips, and addressing questions about his book

“It’s not time that heals all wounds. It’s actually time during REM sleep and dreaming that provides this emotional convalescence.” — Matthew Walker, Ph.D.

#58 – AMA with sleep expert, Matthew Walker, Ph.D.: Strategies for sleeping more, sleeping better, and avoiding things that are disrupting sleep

“[Sleep] is like that master volume button on a mixing deck that you see in the studio. You can manipulate each one of those dials, or you can go to the far left and just move that one dial…and all of the other levers seem to move with it.” — Matthew Walker

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