Guest Episode

Tragedy, grief, healing, and finding happiness

Ep. #208 with Kelsey Chittick

Challenges of meditation & understanding ‘sub-minds’

with Zubin Damania, M.D.

Reliable strategies for developing stillness

with Ryan Holiday

Why Peter meditates and advice for new meditators

with Dan Harris

The transformative moment that led Peter to mindfulness meditation

with Sam Harris, Ph.D.

Why everyone, including Type A personalities, should try meditation

with Tim Ferriss

The 5 habits Tim Ferriss returns to most reliably

with Tim Ferriss

Free Article

How should we do drugs now?; searching for a Bob Ross painting

Guest Episode

Emotional first aid and how to treat psychological injuries

Ep. #146 with Guy Winch, Ph.D.

Guest Episode

The Power of Self-Compassion

Ep. #139 with Kristin Neff, Ph.D.

Guest Episode

Alzheimer’s disease prevention—patient and doctor perspectives

Ep. #138 with Lauren Miller Rogen and Richard Isaacson, M.D.

Free Article

A few things worth sharing: 11-08-2020

Guest Episode

Understanding pain, therapeutic breakthroughs, and keys to enduring emotional health

Ep. #122 with Lori Gottlieb

Free Article

SARS-CoV-2 and the host response: psychological stress

Guest Episode

The beauty in archery, the love of practice, and a model system for life

Ep. #109 with John Dudley

Guest Episode

The psychological toll of a pandemic, and the societal problems it has highlighted

Ep. #105 with Paul Conti, M.D.

Podcast Episode

Looking back on the first 99 episodes: Strong Convictions, Loosely Held

Ep. #103

Guest Episode

Finding stillness amidst chaos

Ep. #101 with Ryan Holiday

Podcast Episode

COVID-19—Comprehending the crisis and managing our emotions

Ep. #100 with Sam Harris, Ph.D.

Podcast Episode

Stillness, stoicism, and suffering less

Ep. #90 with Ryan Holiday

Guest Episode

10% happier – meditation, kindness, and compassion

Ep. #72 with Dan Harris

Guest Episode

Revolutionizing healthcare one hilariously inspiring video at a time

Ep. #37 with Zubin Damania, M.D.

Guest Episode

Nutrition, fasting, meditation, mindset, immortality, and the secret formula of fulfillment

Ep. #8 with Tom Bilyeu

Guest Episode

Depression, psychedelics, and emotional resilience

Ep. #1 with Tim Ferriss