
This website, my podcast, and my weekly email newsletter all focus on translating the science of longevity into something accessible, digestible, and actionable for everyone.

To learn more about my framework for longevity, and the 5 tactics in my Longevity Toolkit, sign up for my free email newsletter. You can also watch the video on my start here page.


Diseases & Conditions: Prevention tactics, treatments, and more

Over 80% of deaths in people over 50 who do not smoke can be grouped into 4 main categories, what I like to call the four horsemen of chronic disease. If you want to live longer, delaying the onset of these chronic diseases is critical.

Longevity Toolkit

We have five main tactics at our disposal to affect our longevity. To dive deeper into each of these domains, sign up for my free email newsletter or click on the categories below.

Extending Lifespan (Length of Life)

One of the foundational concepts of longevity is that if you want to live longer, you have to live longer without chronic disease, not live longer with chronic disease. This knowledge, combined with one’s family medical history and individual labs can then help focus attention on the specific chronic disease(s) you are most at risk of developing.

Improving Healthspan (Quality of Life)

More often than not, people care less about how long they live (lifespan) and more about how well they live (healthspan). Healthspan has 3 main components: cognitive health, physical health, and emotional health.

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