
Cognition – memory

The MIND diet on trial: can diet choices impact cognitive health?

The results were lackluster, but a closer look leaves room for other explanations

Improving memory with transcranial neuromodulation

Research shows that noninvasive neuromodulation can improve performance in memory tasks. Is this technique simply a research tool, or is it a therapy of the future?

#257 ‒ Cognitive decline, neurodegeneration, and head injuries: mitigation and prevention strategies, supplements, and more | Tommy Wood, M.D., Ph.D.

If you’re trying to maintain a basic set of cognitive functions, [it is important] to actively work on ways to increase headroom, increase absolute capacity throughout the lifespan. Because at some point capacity will decrease, but you want to push that out as far as you can.” —Tommy Wood

#226 ‒ The science of happiness | Arthur Brooks, Ph.D.

Arthur Brooks is a social scientist, professor at Harvard University, a columnist for The Atlantic, and the bestselling author of…

The connection between sleep and Alzheimer’s disease

This audio clip is from episode #47 – Matthew Walker, Ph.D., on sleep – Part I of III: Dangers of…

#161 – AMA #23: All Things Nicotine: deep dive into its cognitive and physical benefits, risks, and mechanisms of action

“It’s so fascinating to me frankly that one molecule found in nature can be so potent. It’s hard to imagine you could engineer a drug to do this.” —Peter Attia

#51 – Robert Sapolsky, Ph.D.: The pervasive effect of stress – is it killing you?

“The [stress response] system has been serving vertebrates, doing a lot of help for them for an awful long time, and it’s only been a very recent modification to instead secrete [cortisol] in response to thinking about taxes.” —Robert Sapolsky

#49 – Matthew Walker, Ph.D., on sleep – Part III of III: The penetrating effects of poor sleep from metabolism to performance to genetics, and the impact of caffeine, alcohol, THC, and CBD on sleep

“Lack of sleep is like a broken water pipe in your home. It will leak down into every nook and cranny of your physiology.” —Matthew Walker

#47 – Matthew Walker, Ph.D., on sleep – Part I of III: Dangers of poor sleep, Alzheimer’s risk, mental health, memory consolidation, and more

“I think that sleep may be one of the most significant lifestyle factors that determines your risk ratio for Alzheimer’s disease.” — Matthew Walker

#18 – Richard Isaacson, M.D.: Alzheimer’s prevention

“Anyone with a brain is at risk for Alzheimer’s.” —Richard Isaacson

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