
Exercise – Centenarian Decathlon

#176 – AMA #27: The importance of muscle mass, strength, and cardiorespiratory fitness for longevity

“If you have the aspiration of kicking ass when you’re 85, you can’t afford to be average when you’re 50.” —Peter Attia

#131 – Beth Lewis: The Art of Stability: Learning about pain, mitigating injury, and moving better through life

“The only time it’s bad posture is when you don’t have another option.” —Beth Lewis

#60 – Annie Duke, decision strategist: Poker as a model system for life—how to improve decision making, use frameworks for learning, and apply ‘backcasting’ to boost your odds for future success

“We don’t want [people] to be afraid of the bad outcomes. . .because we would like people to be innovative and push against the status quo because that’s how we move forward as a society, as a business, as an individual.” — Annie Duke

#50 – AMA #5: calcium scores, Centenarian Decathlon™, exercise, muscle glycogen, keto, and more

“We’re really talking a completely new model, which is actually forcing your way to become a centenarian rather than just sort of gliding your way into it and therefore, I think it’s going to require much more deliberate attention around what your mind and body are doing at that point and time.” — Peter Attia

#37 – Zubin Damania, M.D.: Revolutionizing healthcare one hilariously inspiring video at a time

“The idea that you can optimize a particular regiment to the goals of that unique patient is the foundation of what we call Health 3.0.” —Zubin Damania

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