
Ketones – ketogenic diet

#120 – AMA with Dom D’Agostino, Ph.D., Part II of II: Ketosis for cancer and chronic disease, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and the effect of ketosis on female health

“The function of the mitochondria and mitochondrial health are the ultimate mitigator of neurodegenerative diseases…just by reducing the potential for reactive oxygen species related damage.” — Dom D’Agostino

#116 – AMA with Dom D’Agostino, Ph.D., Part I of II: Ketogenic diet, exogenous ketones, and exercise

“If you restore insulin sensitivity, you’re better able to access and burn fat.” — Dom D’Agostino

#110 – Lew Cantley, Ph.D.: Cancer metabolism, cancer therapies, and the discovery of PI3K

“If I get a result that suddenly doesn’t make sense, to me that’s more exciting. . .if you figure out why it didn’t work and what was wrong, then that’s where most breakthroughs come from.” — Lew Cantley

Fast-breaking without glucose spiking

As I’m coming off of a week of fasting and heading into a week of a ketogenic diet, the timing seems right to address the question of how I break a longer-term fast and the responses that some people get.

#50 – AMA #5: calcium scores, Centenarian Decathlon™, exercise, muscle glycogen, keto, and more

“We’re really talking a completely new model, which is actually forcing your way to become a centenarian rather than just sort of gliding your way into it and therefore, I think it’s going to require much more deliberate attention around what your mind and body are doing at that point and time.” — Peter Attia

#41 – Jake Kushner, M.D.: How to thrive with type 1 diabetes and how everyone can benefit from the valuable insights

“You have this unique population of [type 1 diabetics] where you can see the insulin that goes into them, and you can see it’s direct impact on weight gain. . . and they’re at risk for cardiovascular illness. And to me that just says that there’s something about the Standard American Diet that’s making us sick. And ultimately we will all be at risk for cardiovascular disease.” —Jake Kushner

#38 – Francisco Gonzalez-Lima, Ph.D.: Advancing Alzheimer’s disease treatment and prevention – is AD actually a vascular and metabolic disease?

“Everybody goes through this cognitive decline. . .this is a reality. . .but it is possible to intervene before you get into the limbic system problems. . . and that’s going to make the biggest difference.” —Francisco Gonzalez-Lima

#30 – Thomas Seyfried, Ph.D.: Controversial discussion—cancer as a mitochondrial metabolic disease?

“The standard of care should never have been written in granite. It should be flexible. If you have something else that comes along that might be better, you’d think there would be enthusiasm.” —Tom Seyfried

#19 – Dave Feldman: stress testing the lipid energy model

“I am on a journey of science, not of advocacy: I’m going to be quite a skeptic.”  —Dave Feldman

Transcript — The Drive — Dave Feldman

Transcript of episode 19 of The Drive with Peter Attia, released October 8, 2018.

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