
Media – books

#103 – Looking back on the first 99 episodes: Strong Convictions, Loosely Held

“I reserve metformin prescriptions for patients who obviously are in need of it from the standpoint of glucose and insulin regulation, but I don’t view it really as a pro longevity agent yet.” — Peter Attia

Book update

It’s been about a month since I finished the first draft of my book, a project I’ve been working on since early 2016.

#80 – Celebrity AMA with Apolo Ohno and Sasha Cohen: Fasting, rapamycin, performance vs. longevity, and more

“I am obsessed with knowing stuff. There’s just no denying it.” — Peter Attia

#73 – AMA #9: NAD & metformin, fat-burning zone, creatine, estrogenization of men, emergency kit for cold & flu, and more

“The sky is blue, and the trees are green; therefore, I should eat cyanide.” — Peter Attia on the type of brilliant logic people use to suggest you burn more calories while sleeping vs. exercising

#56 – Jocko Willink, retired Navy SEAL, Part II of II: Sleep, fasting, raising kids, discipline, taking ownership, and the impact of war

“Leading a family is the same way you lead an organization or lead a team. If you bark orders at your team, your team won’t like you, they won’t respect you, and they’re not going to carry out those orders with any sort of commitment.” — Jocko Willink

#53 – AMA #6: Fasting framework, vitamin supplementation, antioxidants, time management, problem-solving, and more

“Time is the only truly finite resource that we have. It is also the only unifying, equalizing resource. Meaning, no matter how much wealth or smarts or whatever you have, we are all stuck with the same disappearing thing.” — Peter Attia

#50 – AMA #5: calcium scores, Centenarian Decathlon™, exercise, muscle glycogen, keto, and more

“We’re really talking a completely new model, which is actually forcing your way to become a centenarian rather than just sort of gliding your way into it and therefore, I think it’s going to require much more deliberate attention around what your mind and body are doing at that point and time.” — Peter Attia

David Brooks and the quest for a moral life

“Our individualistic culture inflames the ego and numbs the spirit. Failure teaches us who we are.”

#27 – David Sinclair, Ph.D.: Slowing aging – sirtuins, NAD, and the epigenetics of aging

“This is a lesson for anyone who’s listening who thinks that getting to somewhere like this is easy. You have to be massively determined, you have to have grit, and I just wouldn’t give up because there’s nothing else I want to do in my life.” —David Sinclair

#26 – AMA #3: supplements, women’s health, patient care, and more

“In case you haven’t guessed yet, there’s been a lot of drug traffic on the beach. And I’m not talking about Robitussin and No-Doze. I’m talking about the hard stuff, and a lot of it. I’ve been trying to find out who’s behind it. It hasn’t been easy. I don’t shower much.” —Irwin M. Fletcher

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