
Weekly Emails

Alternate Day Fasting

I’m left bewildered: there are more questions than answers in most scientific pursuits, but I want to stress the point here that these aren’t rhetorical questions.

Can you maintain muscle during fasting?

But in the short-term (at least up to a week for most people), I believe you can maintain muscle mass while fasting, particularly if you’re resistance training.

Can you preserve lean body mass during “semi-starvation?”

All of this is very interesting, but what I find much more interesting in this study is that the placebo group did not lose any substantive LBM, while losing about the same amount of fat (10 lb) as the testosterone group, despite the severe CR/energy-deficit.

What can you prove?

If that weren’t enough to set me off, consider the overall weakness of this study, and the choice of the word “proven” borders on journalistic manslaughter.

What if you never felt pain or anxiety?

That just floored me. Is there a connection between physical and emotional pain tolerance?

Fasting and cancer

The purpose of the study was to find out if fasting could protect the intestines from high-dose radiation, which could allow for higher doses of radiation treatment in killing pancreatic tumor cells.

Cortisol and cross-pollination

Cortisol is a hormone I’ve been paying a lot more attention to of late.

Conspiracy theory theories: July 20, 1969

I almost can’t believe yesterday marked the 50th anniversary of Armstrong and Aldrin touching down on the moon’s surface. What’s more unbelievable to me is that there are a number of people who entirely refuse that it ever happened.

Fast-breaking without glucose spiking

As I’m coming off of a week of fasting and heading into a week of a ketogenic diet, the timing seems right to address the question of how I break a longer-term fast and the responses that some people get.

Is there an optimal window of time-restricted feeding?

Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dine like a pauper?

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