

Resistance training partially reverses some of the hallmarks of aging type II muscle fibers

Age-related muscle declines are not as inevitable as you might think.

Research Worth Sharing, March 2024 Edition

Organ-specific aging, a blood-based test for brain tumors, avoiding bananas in smoothies, stair-climbing tests for frailty, and omega-3 intake and CVD

You’re never too old to start exercising – just ask a 93-year-old rowing champion

Geroscience researchers report an astounding case study of a nonagenarian with the physical fitness of a 40-year-old

How does aging increase risk of dehydration?

Aging weakens the regulatory systems for maintaining water balance, necessitating more conscious oversight of fluid intake to prevent dehydration.

The cases for and against dietary protein for healthy aging

An endeavor to settle the debate of high- vs. low-protein diets for increasing lifespan and healthspan

Separating substance from nonsense in a study on NMN supplements

A recent randomized trial investigated the effect of NMN supplementation on NAD levels, biological aging, and exercise performance. What can we believe from their results?

A recent metformin study casts doubts on longevity indications

A new retrospective study contradicts previous evidence of metformin’s potential effects on lifespan extension in a general population, but for real answers, randomized trials are needed.

blood transfusions in humans

Modern Vampirism: “Young Blood” Transfusions

Blood from young mice has rejuvenating effects on old mice, but it’s too early to translate these results into treatments for humans.

Muscle Mass and Cognitive Function

A recent narrative review hypothesizes a key role for myokine disruption caused by physical inactivity.

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