

Saunas: the facts, the myths, and the how-to

Sauna use appears to be genuinely beneficial, but not all claims stand up to scrutiny

Targeting senescent cells for cognitive health

With the recent publication of the first clinical trial of senolytics for AD treatment, popular interest in these drugs has swelled, but is the excitement justified?

Why is it so difficult to determine how nutrition impacts dementia risk?

When it comes to nutrition research, neither observational nor interventional studies have been able to tell the full story. A report by the Nutrition for Dementia Prevention Working Group offers ideas for improving both.

How does APOE status impact the relationship between obesity and dementia risk?

Obesity has been reported by some to increase risk of dementia, while other studies have reported that obesity is protective against dementia. Might the effects of APOE genotype help to explain the discrepancy?

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