

how can we prevent holiday eating from derailing our health and fitness goals

A Game Plan for Healthy Enjoyment of the Holidays

Lessons from my annual showdown with pie.

What gives Rice Krispies their pop and my related experiment

Explaining the Snap! Crackle! Pop! to my sons

#157 – AMA #22: Losing fat and gaining fat: the lessons of fat flux

“If we didn’t understand fat flux, there would be no flux capacitor and Marty might still actually be in the past.” —Peter Attia

#156 – Jake Muise: Humanely harvesting axis deer while alleviating its impact on Hawaii’s vulnerable ecosystems

“If you can successfully harvest an axis deer with a bow, you can do almost any other animal on the planet.” —Jake Muise

#149 – AMA #20: Simplifying the complexities of insulin resistance: how it’s measured, how it manifests in the muscle and liver, and what we can do about it

“If you’re in the business of wanting to live the healthiest life you can live, which means longer and better, you’ve got to be insulin sensitive, full stop.” — Peter Attia

#114 – Eileen White, Ph.D.: Autophagy, fasting, and promising new cancer therapies

“I would like to translate what we’ve learned about the role of autophagy in cancer and that involves developing small molecules to inhibit autophagy for cancer therapy.” — Eileen White

The red meat and plant-based recommendation wars

Does reducing meat consumption improve health?

#92 – AMA #12: Strategies for longevity (which don’t require a doctor)

“If you are interested in longevity, if you are interested in playing with your great grandkids, you want to prioritize muscle mass. Never in the history of civilization has a 90 year old said, ‘I wish I had less muscle.’” —Peter Attia

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