
Studies – radomized-controlled trials

How failures in study selection can sink a meta-analysis

Mixing apples and oranges and winding up with garbage

Different effects of fat- vs. carbohydrate-restriction on neural reward signaling

“A calorie is a calorie” seems like a simple and obvious statement. But do different macronutrients vary in their ability to drive obesity? A recent study by Dr. Kevin Hall and colleagues provides new clues – and likely new fodder for debate.

Vitamin D(éjà vu): new study, same old problems

For vitamin D supplementation to have any effect relative to placebo, it needs to be increasing the body’s supply of vitamin D, and if it doesn’t, then the treatment and placebo groups are effectively identical. So did the researchers achieve a difference in vitamin D levels over the course of the study?


MDMA-assisted therapy gets one step closer to its projected 2023 FDA approval

Studying Studies: Part III – the motivation for observational studies

If randomized-controlled trials are considered the gold standard for establishing reliable knowledge, why do we see so many observational studies in public health?

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