
Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)

Statins, Lp(a), and upcoming podcast guests

In other words, statins are not addressing the associated risk in patients with an elevated Lp(a), and this population represents about 25% of those with previous CVD or an indication for statins.

#09 – David Sabatini, M.D., Ph.D.: rapamycin and the discovery of mTOR — the nexus of aging and longevity?

“It’s the happenstance of science that makes it interesting.” —David Sabatini

#03 – Ron Krauss, M.D.: a deep dive into heart disease

“Anybody interested in this field should probably understand the origins.” —Ron Krauss

Does it help to know your coronary artery calcium score?

I read an interesting paper on fitness, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and coronary artery calcium (CAC) scores from the Cooper Center Longitudinal Study. This paper looked at “generally healthy middle-aged men” and associations between their level of aerobic fitness, CAC scores, and risk for CVD. So why was this interesting to me (and by extension, should you care)?

A big predictor of heart disease risk that most doctors don’t screen for

The most interesting article I read this week was this paper on the NHLBI’s recommendations to reduce Lp(a)-mediated risk of cardiovascular disease.

When does heart disease begin (and what this tells us about prevention)?

Before I get into this post I want to lay a few things out.

Is a Mediterranean diet best for preventing heart disease?

This week an article titled Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease with a Mediterranean Diet was featured in the New England…

How did we come to believe saturated fat and cholesterol are bad for us?

There aren’t too many topics that really get me riled up anymore.  I’m too old and too busy to care…

The straight dope on cholesterol – Part IX

In this post we’ll address the following concept: What should you eat to have the greatest chance of delaying the arrival of cardiovascular disease?

The straight dope on cholesterol – Part VIII

In this post we’ll double-click on a paper covering cholesterol and heart disease risk factors.

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