
Mental health – quality of life

What is the role of genetics in determining one’s work ethic and success in a given discipline?

This clip is from episode #183, James Clear: Building & Changing Habits, originally released on November 8, 2021.  

#195 – Freedom, PTSD, war, and life through an evolutionary lens | Sebastian Junger

“If you experience that [equality of all people], you do not want to give it up. And that’s one of the things that soldiers experience in combat with each other in a platoon.” – Sebastian Junger

#183 – James Clear: Building & Changing Habits

“If you’re going to be building habits anyway, you might as well understand what they are and how they work and how to shape them so that you can be the architect of your habits and not the victim of them.” —James Clear

#135 – BJ Miller, M.D.: How understanding death leads to a better life

People die much more miserable than they need to because they haven’t dared to look at this thing called death before it’s too late.” —BJ Miller

Why is life expectancy in the US declining?

Midlife mortality and mental health.

#36 – Eric Chehab, M.D.: Extending healthspan and preserving quality of life

“Aging is such a big part of what we treat in orthopedics. . .our role is to help patients adapt and cope with their new reality. . .[without] imposing any artificial limits on them.” —Eric Chehab

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