

#59 – Jason Fung, M.D.: Fasting as a potent antidote to obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and the many symptoms of metabolic illness

“We think of all these responses, obesity, insulin resistance, and the beta cell failure, as pathologic. They’re actually protective.  . .Your body is actually trying to protect itself against the root cause of the problem which is too much insulin, too much glucose.” — Jason Fung

#57 – Rick Rubin, legendary music producer: collaborating with sensitive psyche of greatest living musicians, and his personal story of weight loss and spiritual quest

“I came alive through that process. . .I was already alive in the studio, but maybe that was the only place I was alive before. But through exercise, I became alive more in life.” — Rick Rubin on how exercise changed his life

#37 – Zubin Damania, M.D.: Revolutionizing healthcare one hilariously inspiring video at a time

“The idea that you can optimize a particular regiment to the goals of that unique patient is the foundation of what we call Health 3.0.” —Zubin Damania

#33 – Rudy Leibel, M.D.: Finding the obesity gene and discovering leptin

“I’ve always felt that it was really somehow an enormous opportunity and a gift to be able to pursue this down to the level that I’ve been able to do in the past 30 years.” —Rudy Leibel

Lack of context may fuel spread of unintended consequences

A recent study on diet and prostate cancer suggests we need to be more careful communicating and interpreting information.

Success versus Failure: A stark juxtaposition

What does winning, and losing, look like when confronting public health issues?


What do passion, persistence, and deliberate practice have to do with our health?

Is a low fat diet best for weight loss?

I know many of you are awaiting Part II of the mini-series on ketosis, but I’d like to digress briefly…

Irisin: The magic exercise hormone?

On January 11, 2012, an article was published in the NY Times Health blog section titled, “Exercise hormone may fight…

Revisit the causality of obesity

I’ve written about obesity (i.e., unregulated horizontal growth) being caused by excess insulin, which in turn leads to overeating and…

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