
High Intensity & Zone 5 Training

Zone 5 exercise, a high-intensity zone, is the fourth pillar of my framework for exercise: anaerobic performance. While you do not need to spend nearly as much time in Zone 5 as you do Zone 2, neglecting it completely may come at a cost down the road.

Below is a compilation of clips, podcasts, and articles specifically discussing Zone 5 exercise, VO2 max, and higher intensity exercise. 

#144 – Phil Maffetone: Optimizing health and performance through maximal aerobic function

“You’re training your body to burn more fat as an energy source, therefore, you’re going to store less fat, and you’re going to get rid of any excess fat.” —Phil Maffetone

#116 – AMA with Dom D’Agostino, Ph.D., Part I of II: Ketogenic diet, exogenous ketones, and exercise

“If you restore insulin sensitivity, you’re better able to access and burn fat.” — Dom D’Agostino

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