
Weekly Emails

Does Dad’s stress get passed along to his children?

This article shares some compelling evidence, in mice at least, showing how information about the paternal environment reaches the womb.

I’m suffering from the thought of suffering

So much to explore with this one. Mental health may be the hardest chapter for me to write in my book, and also the most important.

A radical new approach to Alzheimer’s?

Perhaps a bigger takeaway from this article is the approach this particular group takes: a consortium from different fields converging on the problem is likely the right way to address a problem as daunting as Alzheimer’s disease.

Wanna know what keeps me up at night?

Unfortunately, the answer is: We have no clue what the best protocol is for intermittent fasting (fasting that is done periodically, and not to be confused with time restricted feeding).

May I have your attention?

Something that probably doesn’t get enough attention? Attention.

Another name for madness

Alzheimer’s disease often doesn’t just strike one person. Alzheimer’s caregiving is something that might hit us at any time.

Thinking in bets

The point is: how was the decision made with the information at hand?

Predicting the future

As Carl Jacobi, a German mathematician was fond of saying, “Invert, always invert.”

A new class of drugs to treat depression

I think this should be investigated as another tool in the mental health toolkit.

How to make better decisions

Ironically, this might be my confirmation bias talking, but in my interview with Sid Mukherjee, he referred to Bayesian logic as perhaps one of the great neglected ideas in medicine, and in the world in general.

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