Search Results for

heart disease

Mental & Emotional Health

#208 – Tragedy, grief, healing, and finding happiness | Kelsey Chittick

There’s just a real relief when you stop wishing it was different, whatever it is.” —Kelsey Chittick

Nutritional Biochemistry

#222 ‒ How nutrition impacts longevity | Matt Kaeberlein, Ph.D.

It’s really important that we be willing to change our beliefs about nutrition and other aspects of health as more data comes in.” —Matt Kaeberlein

Mental & Emotional Health

#286 ‒ Journal club with Andrew Huberman: the impact of light exposure on mental health and an immunotherapy breakthrough for cancer treatment

People spend 90% of their time indoors now. Their daytime environments are too dim, their nighttime environments are too bright.” —Andrew Huberman


#289 – AMA #56: Cancer screening: pros and cons, screening options, interpreting results, and more

“There has been a pretty clear and consistent benefit [to cancer screening] that has been demonstrated, and the exceptions I think have a pretty clear sense of why.” —Peter Attia


#116 – AMA with Dom D’Agostino, Ph.D., Part I of II: Ketogenic diet, exogenous ketones, and exercise

“If you restore insulin sensitivity, you’re better able to access and burn fat.” — Dom D’Agostino


#126 – Matthew Walker, Ph.D.: Sleep and immune function, chronotypes, hygiene tips, and addressing questions about his book

“It’s not time that heals all wounds. It’s actually time during REM sleep and dreaming that provides this emotional convalescence.” — Matthew Walker, Ph.D.


#129 – Tom Dayspring, M.D.: The latest insights into cardiovascular disease and lipidology

Atherogenic lipoproteins are really the issue behind clinical atherosclerotic vascular disease. … The data has just become so overwhelming.” —Tom Dayspring

Cardiovascular Disease

The connection between sleep and heart disease

This audio clip is from episode #48 with Matthew Walker, Ph.D., on sleep – Part II of III: Heart disease, cancer,…

Preventing Chronic Disease

#177 – Steven Rosenberg, M.D., Ph.D.: The development of cancer immunotherapy and its promise for treating advanced cancers

It’s the balance of the aggressive immune reaction against the inhibitory molecules that can prevent that immune reaction that is the holy grail of trying to find effective treatments.” —Steven Rosenberg

Cardiovascular Disease

Does fish oil cause cardiac arrhythmia in high-risk individuals?

Reports of increased risk of atrial fibrillation in high-risk patients taking fish oil

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