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Medications, Supplements & Other Treatments

#161 – AMA #23: All Things Nicotine: deep dive into its cognitive and physical benefits, risks, and mechanisms of action

“It’s so fascinating to me frankly that one molecule found in nature can be so potent. It’s hard to imagine you could engineer a drug to do this.” —Peter Attia

Science of Aging

#171 – Steve Austad, Ph.D.: The landscape of longevity science: making sense of caloric restriction, biomarkers of aging, and possible geroprotective molecules

“I never thought [extending the human lifespan] was going to happen because we got better at treating cancer or we got better at preventing heart disease. I always thought it was going to happen because we would develop something … that would fundamentally change the rate of aging. And we haven’t developed that yet. We’ve got a lot of clues and I think we’re getting closer and closer and closer.” —Steve Austad

#222 ‒ How nutrition impacts longevity | Matt Kaeberlein, Ph.D.

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Medications, Supplements & Other Treatments

#148 – Richard Miller, M.D., Ph.D.: The gold standard for testing longevity drugs: the Interventions Testing Program

“I don’t really care what causes aging. What I care about is: What is the process that can postpone all the different aspects of aging?” — Rich Miller


#84 – AMA #10: Low testosterone, hypothyroidism, building muscle (and preserving it while fasting)

“Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer.” —Arnold Schwarzenegger

Science of Aging

Did a recent study show we can reverse aging?

I dig a little deeper into the recent study that suggests (to some) the answer is yes.

Science of Aging

Can you reverse your biological age?

I realize it may seem like Groundhog Day for you to see more prose from me about how to think about studies rather than the tactical bits we think we can immediately extract and employ from them. Just remember, it’s better to learn how to fish than to be given … you get it.

Preventing Chronic Disease

#41 – Jake Kushner, M.D.: How to thrive with type 1 diabetes and how everyone can benefit from the valuable insights

“You have this unique population of [type 1 diabetics] where you can see the insulin that goes into them, and you can see it’s direct impact on weight gain. . . and they’re at risk for cardiovascular illness. And to me that just says that there’s something about the Standard American Diet that’s making us sick. And ultimately we will all be at risk for cardiovascular disease.” —Jake Kushner

Science of Aging

#27 – David Sinclair, Ph.D.: Slowing aging – sirtuins, NAD, and the epigenetics of aging

“This is a lesson for anyone who’s listening who thinks that getting to somewhere like this is easy. You have to be massively determined, you have to have grit, and I just wouldn’t give up because there’s nothing else I want to do in my life.” —David Sinclair

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