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The interplay of exercise and ketosis – Part I

I embarked on a self-experiment last weekend to see if I could better understand the interplay between the different types…

Understanding science

#37 – Zubin Damania, M.D.: Revolutionizing healthcare one hilariously inspiring video at a time

“The idea that you can optimize a particular regiment to the goals of that unique patient is the foundation of what we call Health 3.0.” —Zubin Damania

Understanding science

Does skipping breakfast increase the risk of an early death? Part II

What the literature says about skipping breakfast and its potential impact on health

Diet & Sleep

How fasting can impact sleep

This audio clip is from our sleep series with Matthew Walker, Ph.D. — episode #127 – fasting, gut health, blue light,…


Alternate Day Fasting

I’m left bewildered: there are more questions than answers in most scientific pursuits, but I want to stress the point here that these aren’t rhetorical questions.

Nutritional Biochemistry

#46 – Chris Masterjohn, Ph.D.: Navigating the many pathways to health and disease – NAD and sirtuins, methylation, MTHFR and COMT, choline deficiency and NAFLD, TMAO, creatine and more

“People are gonna make a decision to. . . either wait 10 or 20 years until we know something better, or you take the position that you’re going to tinker. And if you’re going to tinker, you’re a lot more successful if you have a working model of what’s going on than if you don’t.” —Chris Masterjohn

Metabolic disease

#69 – Ronesh Sinha, M.D.: Insights into the manifestation of metabolic disease in a patient population predisposed to metabolic syndrome, and what it teaches us more broadly

“The way we raise our kids early on might actually set a pattern for how much of an accelerated life, or how much of a stressed out nervous system they might have later on. . . a lot of the behavioral patterns that we’re instilling in our kids are kind of setting the foundation for insulin resistance and inflammation early on.” —Ronesh Sinha

Nutritional Biochemistry

Are continuous glucose monitors a waste of time for people without diabetes?

Some experts suggest CGMs are useless for nondiabetics. I disagree.

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