
Strength & Muscle Mass

My framework for exercise is built upon four pillars: stability, strength, aerobic efficiency, and anaerobic performance. Strength may be the most intimidating of the four, especially for people who aren’t accustomed to strength training.

In its simplest form, strength means utilizing muscle to generate force. And if you are interested in living a long and healthy life and playing with your great-grandkids someday, then muscle mass should be a priority. Never in the history of human civilization has a 90-year-old said, “I wish I had less muscle.”

Below are a compilation of clips, podcasts, and articles specifically discussing the longevity benefits from greater muscle mass and strength, as well as tactics for preserving muscle mass.

Can you maintain muscle during fasting?

But in the short-term (at least up to a week for most people), I believe you can maintain muscle mass while fasting, particularly if you’re resistance training.

Can you preserve lean body mass during “semi-starvation?”

All of this is very interesting, but what I find much more interesting in this study is that the placebo group did not lose any substantive LBM, while losing about the same amount of fat (10 lb) as the testosterone group, despite the severe CR/energy-deficit.

Ketosis – advantaged or misunderstood state? (Part II)

When I wrote part I of this post, I naively assumed this would only be a two-part series. However, so many great…

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