Real-world case studies—metabolic dysregulation, low testosterone, menopause, and more

Ep. #124 (AMA #15)

Guest Episode

Part I of II: Ketogenic diet, exogenous ketones, and exercise

Ep. #116 with Dom D'Agostino, Ph.D.

Guest Episode

Autophagy, fasting, and promising new cancer therapies

Ep. #114 with Eileen White, Ph.D.


What lab tests can (and cannot) inform us about our overall objective of longevity

Ep. #111 (AMA #14)

Guest Episode

The beauty in archery, the love of practice, and a model system for life

Ep. #109 with John Dudley


Fasting, exogenous ketones, autophagy, and exercise for longevity

Ep. #108 (AMA #13)

Guest Episode

COVID-19 for kids

Ep. #104 with Olivia Attia

Podcast Episode

Looking back on the first 99 episodes: Strong Convictions, Loosely Held

Ep. #103


Strategies for longevity (which don't require a doctor)

Ep. #92 (AMA #12)

Qualy #99 - The steroid controversy: Mark’s use of them and Peter’s perspective

Guest Episode

Zone 2 Training and Metabolic Health

Ep. #85 with Iñigo San Millán, Ph.D.


Low testosterone, hypothyroidism, building muscle (and preserving it while fasting)

Ep. #84 (AMA #10)

Guest Episode

Fasting, rapamycin, performance vs. longevity, and more

Ep. #80 with Apolo Ohno and Sasha Cohen

Free Article

Metformin and exercise - déjà vu all over again?


NAD & metformin, fat-burning zone, creatine, estrogenization of men, emergency kit for cold & flu, and more

Ep. #73 (AMA #9)

Guest Episode

Insights into the manifestation of metabolic disease in a patient population predisposed to metabolic syndrome, and what it teaches us more broadly

Ep. #69 with Ronesh Sinha, M.D.

Free Article

Can you maintain muscle during fasting?

Free Article

Can you preserve lean body mass during “semi-starvation?”

Qualy #9 - The importance of exercise for brain health

Guest Episode

Aging, type 2 diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease – do all roads lead to mitochondria?

Ep. #66 with Vamsi Mootha, M.D.


Exercise framework, deadlifting, lower back pain, blood pressure, nootropics, CGM, and more

Ep. #63 (AMA #7)

Free Article

Mind. Blown.

Free Article

The mouse trap: lost in translation?

Free Article

Ketones, fasting, and muscle loss