
Mental models

Learn more about general thinking strategies and tactics, including decision-making, problem-solving, and productivity.

#154 – Steve Levitt, Ph.D.: A rogue economist’s view on climate change, mental health, the ethics of experiments, and more

“What economists do now is they’re asked not just to estimate parameters really well, but to embed those parameters into models, which then have enough degrees of freedom that you can start to imagine: if I turn this dial to that dial, what would happen?” —Steve Levitt

Britain’s COVID-19 vaccine gamble; The upside of quitting

A few things worth checking out: 01-10-2021

Psychedelic Santa; The dog that didn’t bark

A few things worth checking out: 12-27-2020

A few things worth sharing: 10-25-2020

The Challenger flight; Addressing climate change, post-pandemic

#130 – Carol Tavris, Ph.D. & Elliot Aronson, Ph.D.: Recognizing and overcoming cognitive dissonance

“If someone really is certain about something, they have almost certainly frozen their ability to change their minds when they need to.” – Carol Tavris

#125 – John Arnold: The most prolific philanthropist you may not have heard of

“I always recognized the limited social value of trading. I think there is a need for someone to provide risk warehousing and liquidity to markets, but trying to tell the story about how I was adding value or contributing to society was hard. And that always bothered me.” — John Arnold

A few things worth sharing: 08-16-2020

I’m doing something a little different for this week’s email and highlighting a couple of things I thought were worth sharing.

The power of no

“When you’re saying yes, you’re saying no to something else. Everything in life has a price.” — Ric Elias

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